The Comfort Zone by UltraComfort offers a stress-free reclining experience by providing patented, adjustable and supportive positioning zones that can increase your body’s wellness and optimize the feeling of comfort.

The four-way motion of the seat helps provide relief to muscle and joint pain by placing your lower body in a supported ergonomic position.


The independent movement of the backrest, combined with the four-way motion seat box, creates our patented positioning that allows stress and strain to be released from your upper body by offering adjustable support for your back and shoulders.


The upward motion of the adjustable headrest allows for tension to be released from your neck and shoulders by supporting your head placement, while encouraging the natural shape of your spine.


The custom and firm support of the adjustable lumbar can take pressure off your spine while giving your back muscles the chance to rest and rejuvenate.


The tilting motion of the patented Eclipse Technology provides a feeling of weightlessness and offers even more positioning options not available with other recliners. Encourage circulation by relaxing with your legs elevated or promote the release of muscle tension and joint pain in a comforting neutral position.

Comfort Zone Lift Chair Positioning Systems

Comfort Zones 1 – 5 incorporate all five adjustable comfort zones to create the ultimate wellness comfort experience with our patented Eclipse Technology. Each Comfort Zone can be adjusted independently by using the exclusive AutoDrive hand control.


Comfort Zones 1 – 4 provide an ergonomic comfort experience with an emphasis on head and back support. Each Comfort Zone can be adjusted independently by using the exclusive AutoDrive hand control.

Comfort Zones 1 & 2 work together to create individualized wellness positioning and comfort with our patented four-way motion seat box and independent backrest. Each Comfort Zone can be adjusted independently by using the exclusive AutoDrive hand control.

Comfort Zone 1 provides ergonomic placement of your lower body allowing your muscles to relax for long-lasting comfort. Each Comfort Zone 1 can be adjusted using the two buttons on the hand control.

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