March 23, 2020 COVID-19 Update
As we are all aware, the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a threat to all and it is impacting our world more and more as the days unfold. At UltraComfort, we are taking all precautionary measures to safeguard our employees, products, and factories and making any necessary adjustments to our work environment or operations.
Our primary objective is to provide you with the products your customers need when they need them most. At this time, all of our vendors have assured us that we will not experience a disruption in their supply chains that would impact our manufacturing operations. Our warehouses are well-stocked and we are in a great position to continue to meet all of your lift chair, scooter, and power wheelchair needs. We are in constant communication with all of our suppliers and feel confident about the situation. Should any issues arise, we will notify you immediately.
We are also taking the following actions at our home office and other facilities to further protect our employees and maintain a healthy environment:
- All business travel for employees has been suspended until further notice.
- We prefer that our Sales Representatives keep visits at a minimum during this time and conduct face-to-face meetings with you only if necessary and reachable via car.
- Tech Service Dealer training has been canceled for March and April.
- We ramped up professional cleaning services and are enforcing the daily use of disinfectants.
- We have purchased hospital-grade air purifiers to eliminate viruses and reduce allergens.
- All large group meetings will be conducted via teleconferencing or webinars.
- We are practicing social distancing by minimizing face-to-face meetings and interdepartmental visits.
- Visitors are not invited to the home office during this time.
- If employees are sick, they are to stay home and work remotely, if possible.
We are following recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and are closely monitoring this fluid situation. We will communicate any further updates or new developments.
We intend to lead our organization on a path of being productive while remaining safe and healthy.
I am truly grateful for all of your hard work and your dedication to UltraComfort. We are praying and wishing all of you the very best during this challenging time.
Thank you for being a loyal customer.
Sincerely yours,
Richard Golden, CEO