Written by Patrick Thornburgh
All The Zoom Meetings
“Can you see me now?” “Mute me!” “You are breaking up?” “Damn computers!”
“I hear the light at the end of the tunnel.” “Cannot wait to get back to normalcy.”
These were just a few of the sentiments heard across Zoom meetings these past few months. Through my experience as an UltraComfort Sales Representative, I have found that we are very adaptable whether we are still working or on “furlough”. I have come to realize that this pandemic has made us all stronger, more open to change, and just possibly, better people.
Working From Home
For many, we might not know where we will be seated when we are back to work full time—at home or in the office. There are many distractions in both locations. We were used to the “office friends” and chatting and now we are used to our family and chatting. Possibly, we will find that working at home inspires us to work harder and with more enthusiasm than in the office; or possibly working at both locations becomes the more efficient way to make our lives better.
Getting Back To Business
Just as I have learned so much more about my business/or lack thereof, and adapting to my current concerns, I believe some retailers have learned more about their business inside and out, and the opportunities awaiting them.
This is probably the best time for all businesses and families to reflect on these new experiences and update their “Best Practices”. Talk with your team about providing stellar customer service. Get to know your customers better, just like you have learned more about your loved ones while spending more time at home.
Although we may never completely go back to the normal we knew pre-pandemic, turn this time into an opportunity to improve your customers’ experience with more caring and thoughtful service. It might take a lot of courage for some to go out shopping again—make that experience worthwhile and stress-free and your customers will remember that and spread the word to others.
Take care of one another and stay safe.